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Environmental Exhibitors – School Days on the Waterfront 

For our 2020 Salmon Homecoming School Days program, the Board of Directors decided to provide a virtual experience to students rather than our usual in-person School Days events. The virtual program began October, 15th, 2020. Visit our School Days webpage for more information.

Salmon Homecoming School Days

photo of salmon lifecycle display posterInvited schools participate in the Salmon Homecoming School Days activities Thursday and Friday before the public celebration on pier 62, just North of the Seattle Aquarium. In the past, interactive presentations and displays have attracted the most interest and attention and are strongly encouraged. Please note Environmental Exhibitors are welcome to participate in the public events on Friday and Saturday.

We typically expect approximately 500 fourth and fifth-grade students each day for the School Days program.  We welcome Environmental Exhibitors! There is no fee for participation in the School Days event. We will coordinate with each exhibitor to participate in an interactive activity around one of the following themes:

  • Salmon life cycle and ecosystems
  • Habitat protection and restoration
  • Stormwater and Pollution
  • Culture and Communities

Exhibit spaces (10 ft. wide x 10 ft. deep) will be located near the Seattle Aquarium. Tables must be staffed at all times during the hours of 10:30 a.m.–1:30 p.m. The Salmon Homecoming Celebration assumes no responsibility for your display. Please be sure to provide your own hand truck, carts, etc., if needed for loading and unloading.

Please note that direct fundraising is not allowed. However, we welcome any flyers and brochures about your organization and any events you may be having.

School Days Exhibitor Applications will be available from the Seattle Aquarium.